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Emergency Aid Examples

Below we have outlined examples and request forms for emergency aid. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, but serves to provide some ideas of when the University might be able to provide additional financial aid. Because our ability to address your emergency funding request requires you to be a currently enrolled student, you should submit all requests within the term the expense occurs. Please note that resources may be provided for a portion of an expense and may include options other than grant assistance. If you have a particular expense that you do not see listed below and would like to know if the University can help, please feel free to reach out to Adom Harris at for assistance.

Medical/Mental Health Copayments or Prescriptions

  • Medical/Mental Health Copayments for office visits (in-network, assistance is not available for missed appointments)
  • Prescriptions or medications

Emergency Aid

  • Medical Emergency Expenses (office visits, ambulance, emergency room, hospital) after insurance has applied
  • Alcohol and other drug treatment
  • Testing for disabilities after insurance has applied
  • Emergency Vision, Dental (contact office prior to committing to expenses)
  • Psychological Support
  • Emergency Travel
  • Students requiring a special housing accommodation due to an emergency or medical condition
  • Additional food costs, i.e., field studies, dietary restrictions due to a medical condition...etc.
  • Safety/security costs 
  • Laptop repair or prorated replacement

Please note that for large invoices, applicants will first need to request financial assistance through the original care provider before their request for emergency assistance from the University can be reviewed. Documentation will be required.